Wednesday 26 September 2012

A Free Guitar & A Free Wheelboard

My Dad is an absolute king and got me this semi-acoustic electric guitar out of a skip. It was thrown out by the music department of his school and with the exception of some minor superficial damage and some small adjustments/cleaning etc. it's absolutely perfect.

I also love that my Dad binned this for me, I can remember him getting stuff out of skips with me when I was younger which is pretty cool.

I bodged a guitar strap for it out of a couple of old belts and a shoelace and just bought some pretty decent (I think/hope) replacement machine heads for only like £5 on Ebay. I'm going to put them on in a couple of weeks and re-string the guitar and play some shows with it.

As far as I can tell Audition is a brand name that Teisco used for importing their guitars into countries other than Japan like America and England. From the design and info on the company I would guess that this design came out in the 60's-70's but I don't really know since there's not a lot of info online. If anybody knows for sure, please let me know I'm interested to find out and a bit sceptical that the guitar is actually 50 years old. Either way, it's awesome and free.

It's also pretty appropriate that I got this recently since I've been making plans to build a wheel board for my guitar amp from binned stuff. My friend got me a knackered old airport trolley out of a skip a while ago which I'm going to use the castors from and I got a dirty but functioning heavy duty ratchet strap out of a skip a little more recently. I also scavenged a high quality ground sheet someone abandoned at a festival in August that I'm going to cut and sew into a padded waterproof cover. The final part is today I got a wardrobe door out of somebody's skip (he said I could take it) that I'm going to make the main part of the board out of. I'm going to spray paint it too and hopefully it's gonna look awesome. I'll stick some photos up when I've built it, though I'm not sure when that'll be!

Summer Bin Diving

It's been far too long since I updated this, so here's a brief summary of the summer diving that I can remember right now.

It's been quite slow generally since a lot of people have stepped up "security" by locking and chaining bin lids and gates and installing bright motion sensing lights. This has successfully put me off a little bit because generally it's much scarier and more work for very little/no pay off. I've also encountered specific shops pouring bleach over everything to ruin it, infuriating for us but even worse for other people since this happens more in town where there are more homeless divers who need to eat. Pretty shitty. But, there have also been some really good trips, particularly a few times I've gone with friends who have been staying and those were really fun and we ate really well.

Anyway, the main thing that sticks is my mind is this; the most hilarious thing I have ever binned.

Had a bit of an explore around town with my buddy, didn't find any food but we got The Mamas & The Papas 20 Greatest Hits and and a huge picture/mirror frame out of a biffa behind a supermarket. No idea what either were doing in there but no complaints from us.

Got some of this stuff from our regular diving at various places, all of it pretty good (as ever could do with some more bread and vegetables/fruit instead of so much cake).

We got this next lot in one go, the night before we had a party/house show and there were loads and loads of hungry friends staying with us for about a week. Very good timing and we all ate so well. The fruit and bread and spaghetti were brilliant, we got it weeks ago and I still have some hoops left. Free stuff is so delicious.

Somebody else actually ate the cheese that I wrote my name on before I could get my hands on it, which I was sad about at the time but actually it turned out to be a good thing. A few of us ate some bin yoghurts the same night and I had pretty excruciating stomach cramps the next day (everybody else was fine) so I think I'm gonna have to stear clear of freegan dairy from now on. I'm feeling pretty good about it since the tricky decision to not eat binned dairy has been made for me. Good times.

I think that's pretty much everything for now.