Saturday 16 June 2012

Carrot Cake & Battery Farmed Eggs

It's been a fair while since I started the blog and I haven't posted anything, but even though I've been too slack to write on here I have still been bin diving and cooking and being really really terrible at baking cakes. So now I've got a few minutes I'm going to post some blurry photos of the cool things we've binned and made since those first two posts and try and keep the accompanying ramblings a bit more concise this time.

So, as I mentioned before we got some battery farmed eggs and I wasn't sure whether to eat them. But I was hungry and had no money and they were there so I had them with the bagels we'd dived the week before. I think I'm okay with it. I'll talk more about this in the next post.

After the eggs and bagels I made a massive carrot cake with some apples and stuff in there too. The only things I used that weren't freegan were spices, some icing sugar, oil and a pack of pecan nuts that had been in my cupboard for two and a half years. It was awesome.

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