Saturday 16 June 2012

Some Rambling & Awesome Bin Finds

So, a month or so I decided to go vegan, having done some more research into the dairy industry etc. I also read Jonathan Safran Foer's fantastic/very grim book Eating Animals (I would recommend it to anyone, even just got a copy for my Dad) and talking to other vegans. I've been as strict as I think is possible though as ever you find out new stuff about unethical products every day - like palm oil being in every single bloody type of Co-Op biscuit and pesto not even being vegetarian - so I've messed up a few times and will probably mess up again, but hopefully soon I'll be a bit more clued up on animal friendly and vegan products. Luckily people are pretty helpful with advice on this kind of stuff which is really nice and makes the whole thing a lot easier.

I didn't manage to dive any dairy for a while after going vegan (the battery eggs where before I even started cutting down on non-vegan stuff), but we got loads of yoghurt this week and I've decided that I'm okay with eating it. Obviously opinions can change, but at the moment I don't feel like animal products such as eggs and dairy are inherently unethical in the same way meat is, e.g. while factory farming is awful owning a couple hens and eating their eggs would be brilliant. Pretty sure the hens would be happy too. So, over the last week I've been eating bin dived stuff that contains dairy which I'm fine with ethically and is pretty handy since it's a great source of protein, calcium etc. that I could really do with right now to save some money. I'm not sure whether I'm technically a vegan because of it but excluding bin dived food I still consider myself one - e.g. I only buy vegan products.

Anyway, here are some blurry photos of (some of) the ridiculous things we've binned over the last couple months. It's been brilliant.

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